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COVID-19 Visitation Policy & Procedures

The core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention will be adhered to and as follows:

      1. The community (facility) will provide guidance (e.g., posted signs at entrances) about recommended actions for visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
      2. Visitors with confirmed COVID-19 infection or compatible symptoms should defer non-urgent, in-person visitation until they meet CDC criteria for healthcare settings to end isolation.
      3. For visitors who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection, it is safest to defer non-urgent, in-person visitation until 10 days after their close contact if they meet criteria described in CDC healthcare guidance (e.g., cannot wear source control).
      4. Visitors will be counseled about their potential to be exposed to COVID-19 in the community (facility).
      5. Visitors who are unable to adhere to these principles of COVID-19 infection prevention will be asked to leave.
      6. The community (facility) will allow indoor visitation at all times and for all residents and will not limit the frequency and length of visits, the number of visitors or require advance scheduling of visits.
      7. Visits will be conducted in a manner that adheres to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention and does not increase risk to other residents.
      8. For residents who are on transmission-based precautions or quarantine, visits may occur in the resident’s room and the resident should wear a well-fitted facemask (if tolerated). Visitors will be made aware of the potential risk of visiting and precautions necessary in order to visit and should adhere to the core principles of infection prevention.
  • Visits will be allowed during outbreak investigations, but visitors will be made aware of the potential risk of visiting during the outbreak investigation and adhere to the core principles of infection prevention. If visiting during this time, residents and their visitors should wear face coverings or masks during the visits, regardless of vaccination status, and visits should ideally occur in the resident’s room. The community (facility) may contact their local health authorities for guidance or direction on how to structure their visitation to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission during an outbreak investigation.
  • Compassionate care and/or end-of-life visits will be allowed at all times.
  • Visits required under the federal disability rights laws and protection and advocacy (P & A) programs will be allowed at all times. If the resident is in transmission-based precautions or quarantine and is in a county where the level of community (area/location) transmission is substantial or high in the past seven (7) days, the resident and P & A representative should be made aware of the potential risk of visiting and the visit should take place in the resident’s room.